Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Celebrating Jesus - Youth Christmas Concert
The youth dancing for the Christmas Youth Concert :)
The song name is Celebrating Jesus . Enjoy :)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Youth Christmas Concert - Recap
here is the video of Weng Soon, Meiyii, Huiyii and Daniel perform a medley on the 1st Noel and Feliz Navidad.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas !!
Is Christmas season, and when we talk bout Christmas time, we often links to .
SAnta, Elf (for some reason I not so sure), Pressiessss of coz !, snow (at least for me ... ) and so on ..
But whats the really important in this Christmas season ??
Try to make a wild guess ..
The most important thing .. is the time to get soul save :)
What else is more wonderful by sharing them the most precious gift among all, that is sharing the gospel of Jesus, lead them to Christianity :)
Christmas is getting very near ! So go and invite ur fren to church and plant the seed or the best, lead them to Christ.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Youth Christmas Concert - 20th Dec
Friday, December 12, 2008
Joseph - The Story of a Uncommon boy.
Is based on the bible story, the story bout Joseph.
Enjoy :D
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Chalk Art - MY Got Talent Final (Video)
finally .. I have split the video into 2 parts, as the blogger and youtube is not accepting it and prompted me error message (which blogger does not tell me anything) So i assume that is because the video length is too long ..
So now ..
here is the chalk art presentation from Christine and Angelyn :)
Part 1
part 2
Friday, December 5, 2008
Chalk Art - MY Got Talent Final
Due to the length of the video is too long, both blogger and youtube doesnt allow me to upload, so I guess I have to split the file into 2 parts.
:) so peeps, pls standby and once I done I will get the video up again :)
Btw ..
For peeps in Zone A and Zone B :
Dun forget tmr is the BBQ !!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
MY Got Talent - Finalist !
Back to back 2 videos :)
(note : the 2 videos are range from 9 min to 15 min . so be patient for ur video to load) :)
here is the video of TYSS3
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
CHAMPS 2008 - Flashback
Here is the flashback for CHAMPS 2008.
:) lots of sweeet memories isnt it ?
:) The rest of the authors of the blog !
Feel free to post about CHAMPS as well !
Friday, November 14, 2008
MY Got Talent - Final
How is all those exams goin so far ? Pretty good eh ?
:) While some of u still preparing for the exam, and please dun forget that the MY Got Talent final is just tomorrow .. from the time I post this is tomorrow la .. 15/11/2008.
Is final and is a big day !! Bring ur frens to this bday alrite ..
Dun forget we do haf Jackson's Burger and Imported Ice cream :) so that is really a very good extra reason to bring ur frens to church :)
Wanna prepare for exam ??
Hmm .. ..
Y not spend a day in the house of the Lord ? :) Take urself away from the pile of books and get some word from the Lord :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
counting down the days to freedom
i have finished BM, BI, Maths and Sejarah
i am so proud to actually finished the whole sejarah paper...
XD normally i would leave most of the questions blank...shh~
anyway, good luck to all those who are taking SPM along with me~
remember, God is always there with you!
MY got talent FINALS!!!
who would win?!?!
haha...i am looking forward to the jackson burgers and ice cream...XD XD
may yeen is counting down the days to freedom...she has 20 more days till SPM finishes on december 3rd O.O
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Clips for CHAMPS
Did any of this clip reminds you bout last year time ??
:P hopefully after this clips, u wanna bring any children to join :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
u know any kids that is age 4-12 ?? :) U can alwiz get the form and get them to join this event :)
Is gonna be fun :D
Imagine u get surround by kids, looking at how joyful are they, and how enjoy are they during this event. The laughter that u alwiz can get from the kids ..
Ok .. sometimes they do climb over u, but hey think bout it ! Is quite fun tho :D
Last nite, I kinda watch the show Daddy Day Care ..
U surely will discover or realise something thru kids :) Is never wrong to learn something from those are young :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
For You Are The Lord Who Answer My Prayer
Ps: not a MY got talent thing .
Thursday, October 16, 2008
To Look Or Overlook Part 2 - TYSS3
Here is the another long waited video, from the TYSS3, continuing the To Look Or Overlook.
Enjoy. Winner of MY Got talent Semi Final.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Cartoon Heroes - Aqua.
This is the drawing animation create by Stephanie Chee, and using the song Cartoon Heroes from Aqua. But the story was created by they themselves.
Enjoy :) One of the semi final contestant for our MY Got Talent.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
oh! I remember someone said, before u open ur book and do revision, pray and invite Jesus to join u in ur study, He will guide u and give u d understanding, let's try n ask Jesus to help us n give us some tips!!!
oh ya! the church is having a special anointing prayer this coming sunday (12/11) @ 1:30pm in d main hall, let's join d prayer n receive d special anointing for d exam! ha ha , receive good news! pastor will also pray for us in d VYS on sat. God bless!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sir Alex Ferguson is Arsene Wenger's secret football manager idol
Friday, September 26, 2008
You Raise Me Up - Lee Brothers
This is from the Lee Brothers :) singing the song - You Raise Me Up.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
At The Well - SS2 CG
Another contestant for our last week MY Got Talent :)
This time is from SS2 CG, the story taken from the bible and present it in a humor way :)
PS : Go SS2 CG !! :P I'm from SS2 CG .. so :P
Friday, September 19, 2008

But just as Lydia has said in the previous post.. We have Christ and well.. He who is in you is greater than who is in the world... SO yea.. I'm guessing if you have God you shouldn't be so fearful in this world, but still.. I see some people (probably in stage of change) stil fretting... any howz~ that's all! I'l leave it to the moderator to edit and post this if it's ok ;)
::The world's gettign dark and gloomy... Fear is becoming like consuming darkness.. But guess what? there's a beacon of light within all this trembling, that's shining brighter and brighter, and that's Christ in you! =)::
Thursday, September 18, 2008
what is it?
1. Ghost doesn't appear only during the night or in dark places..... If there's a ghost, it'll appear during the day too. Just whether it wants to show itself or not.... so why be afraid of the dark? if you're afraid of the dark, then during the day also you should be afraid.... why live your life in fear everyday?

'Greater is He who is in you, then he who is in the world'
meaning, greater than God who's inside of me then the threats of the world. :)
she was alone in the apartment one night. she went to the kitchen to get something. when she turned the kitchen light on, she saw this white figure. She felt really heavy inside and really scared cos this figure was just staring at her in a scary way. she was so scared, all she could think to say was 'Jesus!' as soon as she said that, the figure just disappeared and she felt PEACE inside of her. like feel so secure. after hearing that, i was like.... o.o

whoever sow generously(in grace), will also reap generously(in grace).
we even get d harvest fr d flower pots! hehe! GRACE!!!
oh i have 2 share d harvest if not smoke will come out of my mouth, n i will nonstop crying.
guess what was d harvest?
Basketball Arcade - Jay Min
Well, this is one of the last week contestant - Jay Min's Basketball Arcade video =)
Enjoy =)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
thank you

hello people of earth...
how are you?
so here i am blogging to thank God for everything that has happened.
first, i wanna thank God because i got 10th place in my class for my pra-percubaan. haha..it may not seem good but i did improve 5 places...yay! and i did also pass all my subjects!!! XD
secondly, i was having this pain in my gum for about two weeks because both my wisdom teeth at the bottom was growing and i couldn't eat properly cos it hurts even when i open my mouth. so during the last CG i ask my CG members to pray for me and little that i knew, the pain was gone!! now i can eat again~!!! XD thank you for healing me~!!!
well i guess that's all...
thanks again~!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
And the results are......
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Chalk Presentation - The Picture
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Refuge - Valerie
Another of the MY Got Talent contestant - Valerie singing the song Refuge. Enjoy :)
oh btw .. this week is the semi-final for the month of August, who will be the winner ?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Chalk Presentation - MY Got Talent
So here is our semi final winner from the month of July =)
Christine and Angelyn with their chalk presentation .. =) Enjoy.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thank you oh My Got Talent!
I would like to thank you for coming to VYS! You know before you came, VYS was great and all, but missing something special. When I heard you were coming to join us in VYS, a lot of us were quite excited inside but scared to show our excitement sometimes. I guess its because of some of us being afraid we are not good enough, or our ideas are not special enough. I thought that you would start off slow and all but in fact, you did not start slow off slow like many expected you would, but many willingly put their names forward.
Because you came, many of us had the opportunity to show what we really can do, not only alone but as a group. Many of us as a care group became closer and stronger because of the excitement and opportunity you bring. You are a real encouragement to us, not because you promise the winner with a iPod or a BBQ, but because in some of us, you bring out the best. In others, you help us to breakthrough some of our own fears, like going on stage.
Many of us were quite skeptical about how much impact you would make on our VYS, but after 2 months, we can clearly see that most of us have given our best to you. Many have opened up their hearts and minds and put aside their differences to work together to present their work and talents. I feel VYS is a much more open place now with your presence around. All of us now have a common topic to talk about when we 'bump' into each other in church. It used to be just "hi" and "bye" but now its "You guys doing anything for My Got Talent?".
I can go on and on, but I'd guess I'll stop here. I would like to thank you again for coming to our VYS! Also, thanks for reminding us, "The real winners are those that enjoy themselves". You have made many of us winners, and brought us much fun and laughter. I shall look forward to meeting you again next Saturday. Until then, we shall think of what more we can contribute to you to make you more exciting.
God Bless,
A vibrant youth
Thursday, August 28, 2008
phone call
friends, make sure u know u r really talking to ur heavenly father when u pray, then ur prayers will b ans.
Dan 11:32 ...d people who know their God shall b strong n do great things.
Jia Ming - MY Got Talent
So here is our another young contestant that took part in MY Got Talent much more earlier ago :)
He got a good voice, I will say it is a nice try, but will looking fwd for him to take part again, much more prepare this time :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Aaron Lee - MY Got Talent
Okie, lets back track a lil bout our other contestants that took part in MY Got Talent much more earlier ago :)
I will post videos up just in case some ppl miss it.
Here is Aaron Lee singing :)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Cheryl - MyGot Talent
Remember ? In the earlier post, there is a post bout a lil gal that has a loud voice ? Yeah, so this is the clip when she was singing. The CD that was played is only more like a karaoke type, but yeap, that is her voice.
:) Enjoy. One of the contestant from our MY Got Talent.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Did I hear some good news?? Wow recession is coming! Yay!
You know, everywhere we read today in the papers its news of market slow downs, rocketing oil prices, political turmoil and bla bla bla. You meet your friends in college or at work a large majority of them are pessimitic regarding the coming year. Inflation is at an all time high with rough estimates already pointing to 10% inflation this year. Finally, after talking about their problems, they will say to you that one word - Recession. And it is coming they say...
That word brings excitement to me. To find out why, we should explore more in depth the meaning of the word "Recession" or "Depression". A short story that happened in 1929 should be sufficient to illustrate my point.
1929 in the United States was the year of the "Great Depression". The entire economy was in a massive recession. Millions of people went bankrupt overnight due to tumbling stock prices. Long story short, many people who took loan from banks couldn't repay the loans when the banks recalled the loans, and they went bankrupt. There was a great amount of money lost by a great amount of people.
However, money, like energy, is never destroyed. When I lose 5 ringgit, the 5 ringgit is not destroyed. Instead someone else gains RM 5. It could be the economy rice seller, or to the petrol station, or whatever. Therefore, during the Great Depression of 1929, there was a massive amount of money being transfered in and out and all around. On one hand, millions of people became bankrupt, but on the other hand, a small minority of people suddenly got really really rich! The Great Depression should really be called the Great Transfer!
Now, some of you are starting to get excited like me because you are recalling some of the things written in God's Word. The Bible predicts a massive transfer of wealth in the end times. Also, the promises of God in Deut 15:6 are such that we shall lend and not borrow. So, don't worry about those loans, as in due time, we will be the ones handing out loans. We should rejoice as we have a God who can position us in the places whereby we can be the beneficiaries in the next "Great Transfer"! =)
I will leave some of these verses here for youself to ponder. If you are interested you can just punch in "Transfer of Wealth in Bible" in google and read up more on your own.
Isaiah 60:5 ‘The wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come’
Proverbs 13:22 ‘A sinners wealth is stored up for the righteous’
Ecclesiastes 2:26 ‘To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God’
God Bless,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
To Look Or Overlook - TYSS3
So, here is another group that took part in the MY Got Talent contest, is a video that recorded by group named TYSS3 .. Enjoy peeps :)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
wow...MY got talent was so awesome yesterday
who knew that such a tiny little girl had such a big voice.. O.O and dance...*thums up* *clap clap*
the video presentation was the best...
the whole thing was really funny....from the story to the acting...you guys sure can act
well, going to watch more olympic and cheer for MALAYSIA... >.< china is winning too much...malaysia should win some too....malaysia boleh...!!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Dance - ALP
My Got Talent !! Another round has started, and I guessing this week .. one of the one I think is quite touching and quite interesting is the dance from the ALP (A Lil Prayer) Did I actually get the name wrong ? Hope I din tho =P
Anyway. . here is the video of that dance. Enjoy =)
ps : Pardon me for the video switching style ..
Monday, August 11, 2008
In Christ alone (song)
Brian Littrell - In Christ Alone
My friend (who's a new believer - yayyy!) asked me to search for this song... and so I did and really liked it so I'm sharing it with all. :P
Another friend then told me he (Brian Littrell) was/is(?)/was from BSB (Backstreet Boys - for those who didn't know them in the era of their golden glory (aww)). I didn't know cos I wasn't "happening" enough to have a walkman... :( so no light bulbs lighted up when I saw his name...
Haha. I sound quite old la... BSB era...
Ahem ahem,
not insulting those from the Michael Jackson era,
or the Beatles/ABBA era,
or the Elvis Presley era,
or someone whose birthday was yesterday. ;)
(just a shoutout ;) naik your harga a bit)
(oh, in case you don't know who Kelvin is... he's the one eating the durian in the video clip)
But anywayyy,
it's a really nice song. :)
So load it and listen to it if you can. :D
God bless!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
truck load of durians
wow! blessed w a truck load of durians! problem: how 2 finish within a day? can't keep for days. or will get sick of it or never eat durian again. !!! share w others, give away, smiling faces !!! wow! i have done a great job. as d Bible says, "... is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. ... men will praise God... for your generosity in sharing w them n w everyone else." ( 2 Cor. 9 :12- 13) great hero!!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
MY Got Talent
I'm surprised no one is talking much about it cos it's the most happening thing happening in our happening place.
(actually don't know what to say about it, but kaypo wanna post something)
Good job all of you who joined/put in an effort. :)
Keep it uppp! :D
I wonder if it's possible that since I "emcee-ed" and it might be a "talent" so I sort of "joined" and therefore stand a chance to win a prize?
Just kidding~
(hey, I used to be very scared of standing in front of an audience okaaay. :P - get stage fright, talk too fast, pronounce everything wrongly.............. actually I still do that sometimes. -_-" thank God for giving me the courage yea. XD)
But the more the merrier! Join the competition if you've yet to join. We all want to see your talents! Must share with the all of usss. :D
Have a good week! :)
God bless~
Monday, August 4, 2008
HELLO!!! >.<
may yeen here~!!!
you might not know me but whatever... >.<

SPM pra-percubaan to be exact...
i told people about it and they went like "WHAT?!"
nobody had heard about having pra-trails...
only in my school... hmmmm
my friend drove to school today and now everybody wants her to send them home
XD...i was one of them but she told me to walk home T_T
why? because my house is right in front of the school.... nyahahahahahaha
nothing much really happened today.
so i will talk about what happen yesterday.
went to my friends church --city harvest because one of my friend joined the manhunt competition. went there for support...
everybody was like cheering like gila when the participants came out....
hahaha, so i joined in the fun and screamed along with them
and i tell you it was fun
after the competition ended, we went to McD in taipan
and then i went over to my friends house and there i went all gila again
she introduced me to this guy called kevjumba, a youtube comedian. he is really funny
and then i started dancing around with her little sister who was really adorable and cute
went home and straight of to BK tuition...
almost fell asleep there cos i was so tired
but i didnt. managed to keep myself awake.
time for me to study so i will just end it here.
2 weeks ago, my family welcome our new adopted dog, a female Siberian Husky (5yers old). We named her Winter. She is so beautiful! timid but gentle. Before we took her home, we were told that she'll have a bad cramp when she's on heat (period). That is the reason why the owner gave up on her. But we didn't take serious about it until on the 10th day of her period, we were shocked! to see how bad the cramps was. All of the sudden her whole body muscle stiff!!... seriously stiff!!... she was suffering from the sudden shock cramp. While the body is in stiff mode, she vomit watery liquid (saliva i assume it), pee and poo at the same time. She'd feel very lethargic after that. It was a hurtful moment to see her like that. Dad and i don't know what to do about it, we just stood there while she struggling. Wanted to cry seeing her like that.
So the next morning, i applied the anointing oil upon her & pray that Jesus will take away her pain & her cramp. I did that for 2 mornings. Same goes with my other dog, Milo. who was limping cos her leg swollen. It amazes me that on the 3rd day, Winter felt much better. Infact the cramp has stopped completely! We observe Milo as well, no more limping. Run & walk like normal.

From left: Winter (husky)& Milo(parson russell)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus Loves Me
by Anonymous - Copyright © Public Domain
Jesus loves me this I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak, but He is strong.
Yes Jesus loves me,
Yes Jesus loves me,
Yes Jesus loves me,
For the Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me, He who died
Heaven's gates to open wide.
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.
Jesus loves me when I'm good,
When I do the things I should.
Jesus loves me when I'm bad,
Even though it makes Him sad.
wow... Jesus loves me when I'm good!!!
(obviously.. .doesnt EVERYONE???!!!??? except maybe Dr House... -.-)
but then.....
He loves me when I'm bad!!!
haha. how amazing is that!!!
From pastor's message:
in the world today where you be nice and everyone will like you
you be rude, people may not tell it to your face but they may gossip behind your back
You be nice to me, I be nice to you
You be bad to me... you better WATCH OUT!!!

He loves us even though we're not perfect.
Even though after being a christian, we still sin...
We do things that will hurt others and Him...
But His love never dies...

Sing with me now!
Yes, Jesus loves me,
Yes, Jesus loves me,
Yes, Jesus loooovvveeesss meeeeeeeee
For the Bible tells me so

(Disclaimer, I did NOT make this video [duh!] and some of the lyrics... i'm not 100% sure thats the original one or... dunnole..... i put this video up because i couldnt find the mp3 file. doesnt mean i support the video contents and lyrics 100% ><)
Amen Amen!
COol bananas man!

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Curry Puffz
Yesterday I went to pick up kherlit's mum with her from one u, She came down from penang and brought some nice curry puffs! asked me to go in the house and try some haha! how could I resist :P.
I tell ya! This curry puff was amazing! not like those you get on the side of the road, but it was simply... delicious! it had galric added to the curry inside, the texture of the pastry is crispy, and on top of all that! it comes with onions! phew! fabuuuullllouuusS! her mum said, she might get to learn how to cook this type of curry puff! oh man! I wanna learn toooo haha!
But the best part of the curry puff is.. it brought back memories of when my grand ma cooked curry puffs~she cooked the best.. but due to her havign a heart attack few years back, she hasn;t had the stamina to do it again.. I shall experiment one day! :D who wants to be my gueinee pigs >:P. I tried to make it once with my mum... the pastry simply amazing.. the filling.. well let's say we used the wrong powder... haha!
Nyam! ok! that's all me feeling hungry already!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
yummy durian
i remember someone said, once u hav eaten durian, can't hide or denied, d smell will authomatically come out, no effort is made, same as graceful christian life; ppl can see n can tell d different.
ha, once i was in a class, someone burp after taking durian; use ur imagination.
uncle Steve told me when he was young, cause too many slibling in d family, whenever his mum bought durians, he will rush in then hide d durian in d wardobe,
guess what happen? have extra mee sua (rotan)!
And here is a lil video to share bout yummy durian :P