Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Did I hear some good news?? Wow recession is coming! Yay!

Before you say, "Are you out of your mind?!?" Hold your horses and hear me out...

You know, everywhere we read today in the papers its news of market slow downs, rocketing oil prices, political turmoil and bla bla bla. You meet your friends in college or at work a large majority of them are pessimitic regarding the coming year. Inflation is at an all time high with rough estimates already pointing to 10% inflation this year. Finally, after talking about their problems, they will say to you that one word - Recession. And it is coming they say...

That word brings excitement to me. To find out why, we should explore more in depth the meaning of the word "Recession" or "Depression". A short story that happened in 1929 should be sufficient to illustrate my point.

1929 in the United States was the year of the "Great Depression". The entire economy was in a massive recession. Millions of people went bankrupt overnight due to tumbling stock prices. Long story short, many people who took loan from banks couldn't repay the loans when the banks recalled the loans, and they went bankrupt. There was a great amount of money lost by a great amount of people.

However, money, like energy, is never destroyed. When I lose 5 ringgit, the 5 ringgit is not destroyed. Instead someone else gains RM 5. It could be the economy rice seller, or to the petrol station, or whatever. Therefore, during the Great Depression of 1929, there was a massive amount of money being transfered in and out and all around. On one hand, millions of people became bankrupt, but on the other hand, a small minority of people suddenly got really really rich! The Great Depression should really be called the Great Transfer!

Now, some of you are starting to get excited like me because you are recalling some of the things written in God's Word. The Bible predicts a massive transfer of wealth in the end times. Also, the promises of God in Deut 15:6 are such that we shall lend and not borrow. So, don't worry about those loans, as in due time, we will be the ones handing out loans. We should rejoice as we have a God who can position us in the places whereby we can be the beneficiaries in the next "Great Transfer"! =)

I will leave some of these verses here for youself to ponder. If you are interested you can just punch in "Transfer of Wealth in Bible" in google and read up more on your own.

Isaiah 60:5 ‘The wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come’

Proverbs 13:22 ‘A sinners wealth is stored up for the righteous’

Ecclesiastes 2:26 ‘To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God’

God Bless,


Mei Yii said...

such business-y stuff.

I want the great transfer also!!! :D
*claim it now*

Anonymous said...

yea yea! claim claim!..

but hang on.. how do we hand out loans legally?

Jerm said...

By buying bonds, in a way you 'lend' money to companies or to the government ^^ or go register your new company and start pasting adverts on lampposts..haha make sure to stock up on red paint...

Anonymous said...

Not that I'm complaining, but aren't we taking this end-time transfer of wealth a tad bit too far?

I don't see Jesus telling the disciples in the NT to wait for this transfer of wealth, but to go preach the gospel.

In fact, there's no reference of the believer expecting this end-time transfer except at the second coming of Jesus

Try referencing Kenneth Hagin's book "The Midas Touch"

God Bless