Monday, August 11, 2008

In Christ alone (song)

Brian Littrell - In Christ Alone

My friend (who's a new believer - yayyy!) asked me to search for this song... and so I did and really liked it so I'm sharing it with all. :P

Another friend then told me he (Brian Littrell) was/is(?)/was from BSB (Backstreet Boys - for those who didn't know them in the era of their golden glory (aww)). I didn't know cos I wasn't "happening" enough to have a walkman... :( so no light bulbs lighted up when I saw his name...

Haha. I sound quite old la... BSB era...

Ahem ahem,
not insulting those from the Michael Jackson era,
or the Beatles/ABBA era,
or the Elvis Presley era,
or someone whose birthday was yesterday. ;)

(just a shoutout ;) naik your harga a bit)
(oh, in case you don't know who Kelvin is... he's the one eating the durian in the video clip)


But anywayyy,
it's a really nice song. :)
So load it and listen to it if you can. :D


God bless!


BenjaminET said...

very very nice song . I do remember the chorus part but the verse ..

is that a new version of the song ?

Mei Yii said...

Yea yea,
I think he added the verse part.
Nice righttt. XD

wEtwEtwAtEr said...

I heard of this song before and I thought the name of the singer sounds very familiar. Now I know who he is. =)

Mei Yii>>thanks for the publicity. thank God it stoppped there! =P