Friday, December 25, 2009
Glory to the new-born King,
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinner reconcil'd.
Hark! the Herald Angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King.
Joyful all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies,
With the angelic host proclaim,
Christ is born in Bethlehem.
Hark! the Herald Angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King.
Christ by highest Heaven ador'd,
Christ the everlasting Lord!
Late in time behold him come,
Offspring of a Virgin's womb.
Hark! the Herald Angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King.
Hail the Heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
Risen with healing in his wings
Hark! the Herald Angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King.
Mild he lays his glory by,
Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Hark! the Herald Angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King.
Blessed Christmas everyone
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
So Awesome
This is so awesome
by Kseniya Simonova from Ukraine's Got Talent
you may not understand it, but its about when the Germans (Nazis) invaded Ukraine.
very VERY creative and touching. absolutely phenomenal. poignant. totally worth using your bandwidth
pay close attention to the drawings.
Final words at the end:
You are always near.
doesnt it kind of remind you of what christine and angelyn did for my got talents?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Battle Of The Zones - Capture the Flag
:) Everyone is having fun? and laughter as well??
Guess this time the competition is quite close eh? Looking at Zone A and Zone D is catching up fast. So I guess this week bonus round should able to make some diff with double point.
This week!! Dun forget - Capture the flag !! And is bonus round :)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
So far working has been frustrating - which I will not elaborate much here or else risk getting discovered and thrown out. I wonder why am I being placed here? Did I make a hasty and wrong decision? I always believe that things happens for a reason. And God is always in control in every situation. Always. So now, what is my purpose of being placed there?
I ponder about this almost every day.
And then, not too long ago it finally dawned upon me. I have to learn to apply what Pastor has been preaching to us. I was brought to remembrance of this powerful phrase:
It was such a relief to rediscover such a powerful revelation. I know that things are beyond my control - especially when you are under employment. Things usually does not go your way. You are not appreciated. Other people takes your work for their credit. You get back-stabbed. You get framed. You do other people's work AND don't get a thank you but instead gets scolding. You get annoyed at your colleagues. You feel that you are unfairly treated.
You want to quit.
But then again, I know that this is a fallen world. There is no such thing as perfection except for Jesus himself. There is no such thing as fairness. Yes, under circumstances like this I do get discouraged - almost every other day. I don't deny this. I am not that strong. On the other hand, I know that I have to preserver. I have also been thought by Pastor to have the spirit of excellence though other people may not reward or appreciate you.
"Not only so, but we also rejoice in out sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, and perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4
Sufferings --> Perseverance --> Character --> Hope
Character. Really all of this is part of character building. I still am learning to reapply the grace message that Pastor has been instilling in us week after week. It is not easy, in fact it is really tough. People tend to abuse grace. People tend to take grace for granted. But deep down in my heart, I know and I know and I know that God is still in control of every situation. His hand will guide me through this challenging time. He will be there when I need Him. Because He loves me as His own daughter.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The all new Flickr Account :D
Here is a lil announcement - Have you all been noticing the "Gallery" on the top right hand side of the blog ?? Those are some random pictures over the Internet.
But from now is no longer gonna any random pictures from the Internet. I have created a Flickr account to holds the collection of the activities that happen in our church.
But me alone can't have all those pictures, so here I gonna need a lil help :)
If u have any of the pics that u snapped in our church, during the Battle of Zones of previously My Got Talent or maybe some other pictures, probably can also some bday celebrations done in church, ur CG and etc etc .. the list can goes on and on ..
Please feel free to send it to youth.place@yahoo.com, so that it can be added into the Flickr account.
At the mean time, please drop in and check it out the Youth Place Flickr online album :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Just when you thought you knew the Bible well....
Was just reading the manna book when....
you know how sometimes you've read the whole bible countless of times but then...when you read it once, suddenly you saw something that makes you wonder...
John 6:16-21
When evening came, His disciples went down to the lake, where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark and Jesus had not yet joined them.
A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough.
When they had rowed three or three and a half miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on water and they were terrified.
(from LITV)- He said to them, 'I AM! Do not fear'
then they were willing to take Him into the boat, and IMMEDIATELY the boat REACHED the shore where they were heading.
well, i've previously thought that
whenever we're afraid or in trouble, Jesus appears. and at first we were afraid, not knowing we can trust Him. but then... His name is I AM after all.... I AM your healer, I AM your provider, I AM your helper, I AM .......
so then we realize that we can depend on Him. and He'll help us. but then.... I never realized that as soon as Jesus stepped into the boat, IMMEDIATELY they reached the place they wanted to go.
which was.... !!!!!
mind blowing!
lol. i dont know how i skipped that line....
its like as soon as you let Jesus into your life and let Him take control....... you'll know that you'll land at where you want to be.
so cool yea?
oh! watch this!!!
a kungfu film filmed using a phone. sooo freaking funny. lol
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Battle Of the Zones
Month of May
Food Month
1st Glutton Week(Guys)
Food: Tomato, Baked beans and Water
Zone A: 1
Zone B: 7
Zone C: 10
Zone D: 5
Results: orange colored vomit in the toilet!!Haha!
2nd Glutton Week(Girls)
Food: Corn, capsicum and water
Zone A: 7
Zone B: 10
Zone C: 1
Zone D: 5
Results: girl's table is neater than last week's guy's table!
3rd week, Bonus Round, Food Creation(2 guys and 2 girls each zone)
Food: Chili, Muffin, and Cucumber
1.Chili seeds must not remain in the chili, but the seeds cannot be thrown.
2.Every single thing must be used to decorate.
3.Does not have to be edible.
Time: 18 Minutes
Zone A: 70
Zone B: 74
Zone C: 83
Zone D: 74
Results: Every contestant had their hands burned by the chili. Hmm, didn't know it was chili padi. Oh well...
I heard somebody had to soak their hands in water for 2 days, and then put aloe vera.
Total points:
Zone A: 78
Zone B: 91
Zone C: 94
Zone D: 84
Pictures posted soon...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Heres to you guitar lovers
Just wondering how many guitar players out there are feeling inferior to those of other instruments. Sometimes you see a master pianist just oozing those beautiful complete melody out of their piano keys all alone, but you look at a guitarist, and you find yourself needing a bass or drum accompaniment.
Well, if you're the kind who sometimes feel that way, or, if you like guitar and music, but don't have a singing voice, then Fingerpicking's your answer. If you haven't heard of fingerpicking style, then I'm sure you've heard of SungHa Jung, that young asian boy who got you clicking for more on YouTube. Its just simply playing the bass notes and the lead (melody) on the same instrument at the same time.
The main pioneer of the Fingerpicking style was Chet Atkins. He simply an amazing guitarist and one of the best in my books. Just shortly after Chet came on the scene, we have Jerry Reed who was at that time, the other person who could hold a candle to Chet. Both of them inspired countless guitarist. One of the leading fingerpicking players right now is Tommy Emmanuel from Australia.
Fingerpicking style has caught on to the current times and there are so many current songs that are being arranged to fingerpicking style. There are even Christian songs in fingerpicking style now. Learning these songs in this style will greatly increase your knowledge of your instrument, and yeah, be able to play and entertain all by yourself with no band or whatsoever required.
So buy yourself a thumb-pick and start picking away!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Can't help but wonder if.....
I can’t help but wonder if God made the other planets besides earth because those were ‘testing’ planets. :p
like those that he moulded and wanted to see that it worked before finally making the perfect earth….
but then… knowing our God, He does everything with a specific purpose and reason. He makes no mistakes.
i wonder if He made those other planets because He know how we humans are. with nothing to distract us, we tend to do nonsense stuff.
like fighting and making wars and stuff.
because now, like a number of us are more interested in planets than who should be the one to rule the earth. So less people are focused on wars. so…. if the leftover ones who are more interested in wars and other nonsense can create all this drama (hitler, hiroshima, napolean)….. imagine if there are no other planets to distract us and we’re ALL interested in war…. *shudders*
a bit of a nonsense but… >< >< ><
I cant help but wonder if, well…. today we discussed baptism in lifegroup. and yeah, there are reasons why baptism is important. and we discussed why God made the heavens opened and said that Jesus is His beloved Son whom He’s well pleased with.
there are many reasons for it. like as a confirmation for John. He knows Jesus is the Messiah, but there was also a word given to him that the one who sent him to baptize with water told him that ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit’. So the heaven opening up and the dove coming down is like a FURTHER confirmation that Jesus is the Messiah. then there are other stuff too. Go brush up on your kingdom keys and others if you don’t know what i’m talking about. :p
ANYWAY, i couldn’t help but wonder…. why so drama?
heavens opening, light shining down, dove flying down, a voice from heaven….
then i realize…. we have a quite dramatic God. :p
like everything that He does, He doesnt do it in the normal boring way.
like the way He made Eve. instead of just using normal mud, He took one of Adam’s bones.
He filled the earth up with water for 40days
Jonah was swallowed by a giant fish. (i know people say whale, but i think its a really gigantic fish. cos…. animals were pretty large then. people think its whale now cos whale is currently the largest fish (confirm?) but maybe the bigger fishes of that time is extinct now… ><)_
He parted the Red Sea. (some people said that the Red Sea then was probably knee length so He probably didnt do much but then if the water level was really knee length then He did an even GREATER miracle. He drowned the entire Egyptian army with just knee length water… -.- btw, the Israelites really did leave Egypt last time and God did part the Red Sea for them. If not, then why are the Egyptians now planning to sue Israel for the gold and jewelries that were given to them by the Egyptians?)
Jesus also did lots of dramatic miracles.
He walked on water
He raised the dead.
He risen from death after 3 days
He healed the terminally ill
He dines with sinners and tax collectors *gasp!!!*
LOTS of drama
so why the drama?
Then I realize…. aiya…
so predictable.
show them something cool and they’ll think you’re cool
If God had not opened up the heavens and everything, if Jesus had not raised the dead, heal the sick…………
then we would not want to believe that He is God and the Messiah.
sigh… we humans…. only believe what we can see with our own two eyes. or what have been proven.
so I guess God had to do all this drama so that we’d believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
Just a thought.
Awesome guys! Greetings from down Under!
greetings from waaaayyyyy down under
hey hey!
how's vbs so far?????!!!????
how can you have glutton contest without.... hehe..
dare i say it?
>< >< ><
yours truly was the runner up for the first glutton contest ok....
dont play play
i would've won first place cos i was kinda leading but.......
suddenly someone stood in front of me to cheer for me and i........
ter-spit the contents of my mouth onto her face.... hehe... >< >< ><
sigh.... that 10seconds delay cost me my title
anyway, just wanna say....
I miss the worship, the prayer after worship (lol. seriously le. didnt know how much i'd miss it til i came here and they dont pray in tongues after worship), the ice-blended coffee, the once in every few few months events that we have *hint* *hint*....
of course i didnt forget the most important one of all....
the MESSAGE!!!!
(friends i miss too la ><)
every church is different.
every message preached in every church is different.
i miss having a theme in a message.
i miss having the focus on Jesus and not on stories
i miss.....
i miss hearing a message where i dont fall asleep in the middle of it.
(>< >< >< working on it here. working on it here)
of course...
i miss my daddy's voice la.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
May 23 - Glutton (Female)
This weeek ! Glutton contest round 2. If I'm not mistaken is for female only. Last week was all the guys :) So this time we should give female a chance :)
Bring ur frens! and not just Christian frens but those non Christians .. and dun forget, the Battle of Zones does not end next week but is gonna last for few months !
And take part :P then u can enjoy the entire process :)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 16 - Battle of the Zones
Is the Battle of Zones! I guess is the 1st round next week :) The Glutton contest !!
The battle of Zones, from the name u definitely know is the battle of the diff zones. Which is
Zone A - Ps Elisa
Zone B - Ps Patrick
Zone C - Ps Sally
Zone D - Ps Edwin
Remember to bring ur frens to this Battle Of Zones which is starting next week !!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mothers' Day :)
:P if u haven't please start preparing, u still got at least 12 hours left :)
Even if u can't afford to get her anything, or u think u not creative enuff to made something for her, well, u alwiz can help her do some house chores :)
Dun forget ! Tmr is the day :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
What's So Good About Friday
And wonder What's so good bout Friday ??
:) You are welcome to come for tonite Good Friday service at 8.30 p.m. at RLC :D
Friday, March 6, 2009
CG tonite (06.03.09) at Various place !
Dun forget there is CG tonite in various place :) And of coz u can bring ur fren with u. Sometimes is quite hard to ask a fren to go to church with u on Sat and Sun :) But for CG, u can just tell them to join u to a fren's house for some small gath .. I'm quite sure they wont mind. Then u can take chance to plant a seed by at least tell him/her bout the good news ;)
If u do not have a CG ? Why not take this opportunity to join one ?
U can alwiz call the church office on which CG is the one nearest to u, or u can join ur fren CG as well :)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Year of Jubilee
Just a random thought that came up to my mind. As you know its the year of sound the jubilee last year and this year is the year of jubilee of opportunities.
Year of Jubilee in the Bible which happens every 50th year. Debts are forgiven, slaves are set free, and whatever property or land would be return to its rightful owner (Leveticus 25). I believe we all can relate easily to debts forgiven part, whereby it can speak of release from our financial debt. Slaves being set free, we can also relate to without much problems as we are set free from bondage in our lives.
The intriguing part of the year of Jubilee which i find is quite hard to relate to is the part where is says land would be returned to the owner. Something struck me as I was listening to a message about being the heir of the world. This brought excitement to me as I realised that "hey, the world and all that is in it is actually now ours, through the promise to Abraham and we are Abraham's seed". So isn't the year of Jubilee of opportunities is a year to actually claim back what is rightfully ours thought the promise of the heir of the world to us?
Hmm...would like to know what you guys think! =)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Day Of Red - 7 Feb 2009
dun forget this Saturday invite ur frens to the Day of Red in VYS ! All you need to do is to wear red and of coz dun forget invite some frens. :) If happen that u do not have any red clothes or red pants .. red shoe will do :P or maybe even a red cap if u want or really dun haf any thing red in ur cupboard ..
then ... pin a red ang pau also can :P
Just come for this Saturday Day of Red in VYS k ! see you all there :D
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year!!
For all those travelling, just remember to drive safe! Better late than never! And for those who do gamble during this festive season, just remember there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ! Just don't get addicted but enjoy the time together with your families!
Anyone went to service this Sunday? If you did, mind to share with us what Pastor Joshua preached about? THanks in advanced~~ Cheers
Friday, January 23, 2009
15 mins a day~
Have you been doing your 15 mins a day?
If you haven't it's not too late to start. ;)
Anywayyy, just wanna encourage and REMIND those of you who have already forgotten/feel you're too busy to pray... it's really not that difficult. :) don't think so much of how long there is left to your 15 mins, just focus (and/or read the bible while praying).
If you run out of things to pray just pray for the people around you - your friends, family, our country, pastors, and church, your parents, cg, safety/protection...
15 minutes won't seem so long anymore. ;)
Try it! (maybe you'll even hit the 30 minute mark. :P)
And, do get a prayer partner cos it will help a lot. Just send an sms or call them to remind them! :) your sms/call/email/offline message might just cheer someone's day up and keep you guys praying.
Take care,
God bless. :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Never imagined how 15mins can seem like forever...
Actually, I just wanna share just how tough it is to do what I promised Pastor Vernon on Saturday I would do - pray 15mins in tongues everyday, for 1 week. 15 minutes a day, seven days. For one week, everyday, pray 15 minutes in tongues. Ah...There i was putting up my hand and thinking to myself, if i don't put up my hand, what is pastor elisa see me didn't put up hand and then got bad impression how?? So put up la..15 minutes only ma...
Neway, first day, after quiet time, prayer, then go to perfect prayer...ok check the watch,..15 minutes from that time, that's all i need to do. After praying for like forever, I thought I made it, and when i checked, only 5 minutes have passed...Its not like I don't enjoy praying, but it just seemed like time seem to stand still...anyway, i persevered and i completed my 15 minutes. It really felt like eternity...
Just wanna ask everyone, how did ur first few days of 15 minutes of tongues go?? I will continue my dose of 15 minutes a day, and probably write again as to what I have learnt after a week...until then, persevere guys! Meditate on some of the verses Pastor Vernon gave to keep ur focus! I will list them down here in case some of you forgotten alr :)
1 Chorinthians 14: 2
1 Chorinthians 13:1
1 Chorinthians 14:14
Acts 2:4
Acts 1:8
Mark 16:17
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Thank God Kingdom Classes are back!
But what I like about our Kingdom classes is that it is on a Wednesday! Where else can we recharge our spiritual batteries other than listening to live messages dispensed from our wonderful pastors and teachers..hehe its a mid week recharge we all need and a mid week reminder of who our God is and what He can do. A mid week reminder of our blessings that is now our right! It is also a mid week class that is more cool and exciting than compared to ladies night at clubs or pubs..
So if you have not signed up for Kingdom classes, get sign up right now! Don't miss your blessings!