Oh what would I do without them? THank God for those kingdom classes as they are back and back with a new syllabus - Kingdom Covenantal blessing. If you have not done Kindgom Keys then go for it first!
But what I like about our Kingdom classes is that it is on a Wednesday! Where else can we recharge our spiritual batteries other than listening to live messages dispensed from our wonderful pastors and teachers..hehe its a mid week recharge we all need and a mid week reminder of who our God is and what He can do. A mid week reminder of our blessings that is now our right! It is also a mid week class that is more cool and exciting than compared to ladies night at clubs or pubs..
So if you have not signed up for Kingdom classes, get sign up right now! Don't miss your blessings!
Wah wah, so semangat. :P
ya la...but u never join...
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