I can’t help but wonder if God made the other planets besides earth because those were ‘testing’ planets. :p
like those that he moulded and wanted to see that it worked before finally making the perfect earth….
but then… knowing our God, He does everything with a specific purpose and reason. He makes no mistakes.
i wonder if He made those other planets because He know how we humans are. with nothing to distract us, we tend to do nonsense stuff.
like fighting and making wars and stuff.
because now, like a number of us are more interested in planets than who should be the one to rule the earth. So less people are focused on wars. so…. if the leftover ones who are more interested in wars and other nonsense can create all this drama (hitler, hiroshima, napolean)….. imagine if there are no other planets to distract us and we’re ALL interested in war…. *shudders*
a bit of a nonsense but… >< >< ><
I cant help but wonder if, well…. today we discussed baptism in lifegroup. and yeah, there are reasons why baptism is important. and we discussed why God made the heavens opened and said that Jesus is His beloved Son whom He’s well pleased with.
there are many reasons for it. like as a confirmation for John. He knows Jesus is the Messiah, but there was also a word given to him that the one who sent him to baptize with water told him that ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit’. So the heaven opening up and the dove coming down is like a FURTHER confirmation that Jesus is the Messiah. then there are other stuff too. Go brush up on your kingdom keys and others if you don’t know what i’m talking about. :p
ANYWAY, i couldn’t help but wonder…. why so drama?
heavens opening, light shining down, dove flying down, a voice from heaven….
then i realize…. we have a quite dramatic God. :p
like everything that He does, He doesnt do it in the normal boring way.
like the way He made Eve. instead of just using normal mud, He took one of Adam’s bones.
He filled the earth up with water for 40days
Jonah was swallowed by a giant fish. (i know people say whale, but i think its a really gigantic fish. cos…. animals were pretty large then. people think its whale now cos whale is currently the largest fish (confirm?) but maybe the bigger fishes of that time is extinct now… ><)_
He parted the Red Sea. (some people said that the Red Sea then was probably knee length so He probably didnt do much but then if the water level was really knee length then He did an even GREATER miracle. He drowned the entire Egyptian army with just knee length water… -.- btw, the Israelites really did leave Egypt last time and God did part the Red Sea for them. If not, then why are the Egyptians now planning to sue Israel for the gold and jewelries that were given to them by the Egyptians?)
Jesus also did lots of dramatic miracles.
He walked on water
He raised the dead.
He risen from death after 3 days
He healed the terminally ill
He dines with sinners and tax collectors *gasp!!!*
LOTS of drama
so why the drama?
Then I realize…. aiya…
so predictable.
show them something cool and they’ll think you’re cool
If God had not opened up the heavens and everything, if Jesus had not raised the dead, heal the sick…………
then we would not want to believe that He is God and the Messiah.
sigh… we humans…. only believe what we can see with our own two eyes. or what have been proven.
so I guess God had to do all this drama so that we’d believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
Just a thought.