Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The all new Flickr Account :D
Here is a lil announcement - Have you all been noticing the "Gallery" on the top right hand side of the blog ?? Those are some random pictures over the Internet.
But from now is no longer gonna any random pictures from the Internet. I have created a Flickr account to holds the collection of the activities that happen in our church.
But me alone can't have all those pictures, so here I gonna need a lil help :)
If u have any of the pics that u snapped in our church, during the Battle of Zones of previously My Got Talent or maybe some other pictures, probably can also some bday celebrations done in church, ur CG and etc etc .. the list can goes on and on ..
Please feel free to send it to youth.place@yahoo.com, so that it can be added into the Flickr account.
At the mean time, please drop in and check it out the Youth Place Flickr online album :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Just when you thought you knew the Bible well....
Was just reading the manna book when....
you know how sometimes you've read the whole bible countless of times but then...when you read it once, suddenly you saw something that makes you wonder...
John 6:16-21
When evening came, His disciples went down to the lake, where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark and Jesus had not yet joined them.
A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough.
When they had rowed three or three and a half miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on water and they were terrified.
(from LITV)- He said to them, 'I AM! Do not fear'
then they were willing to take Him into the boat, and IMMEDIATELY the boat REACHED the shore where they were heading.
well, i've previously thought that
whenever we're afraid or in trouble, Jesus appears. and at first we were afraid, not knowing we can trust Him. but then... His name is I AM after all.... I AM your healer, I AM your provider, I AM your helper, I AM .......
so then we realize that we can depend on Him. and He'll help us. but then.... I never realized that as soon as Jesus stepped into the boat, IMMEDIATELY they reached the place they wanted to go.
which was.... !!!!!
mind blowing!
lol. i dont know how i skipped that line....
its like as soon as you let Jesus into your life and let Him take control....... you'll know that you'll land at where you want to be.
so cool yea?
oh! watch this!!!
a kungfu film filmed using a phone. sooo freaking funny. lol
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Battle Of the Zones
Month of May
Food Month
1st Glutton Week(Guys)
Food: Tomato, Baked beans and Water
Zone A: 1
Zone B: 7
Zone C: 10
Zone D: 5
Results: orange colored vomit in the toilet!!Haha!
2nd Glutton Week(Girls)
Food: Corn, capsicum and water
Zone A: 7
Zone B: 10
Zone C: 1
Zone D: 5
Results: girl's table is neater than last week's guy's table!
3rd week, Bonus Round, Food Creation(2 guys and 2 girls each zone)
Food: Chili, Muffin, and Cucumber
1.Chili seeds must not remain in the chili, but the seeds cannot be thrown.
2.Every single thing must be used to decorate.
3.Does not have to be edible.
Time: 18 Minutes
Zone A: 70
Zone B: 74
Zone C: 83
Zone D: 74
Results: Every contestant had their hands burned by the chili. Hmm, didn't know it was chili padi. Oh well...
I heard somebody had to soak their hands in water for 2 days, and then put aloe vera.
Total points:
Zone A: 78
Zone B: 91
Zone C: 94
Zone D: 84
Pictures posted soon...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Heres to you guitar lovers
Just wondering how many guitar players out there are feeling inferior to those of other instruments. Sometimes you see a master pianist just oozing those beautiful complete melody out of their piano keys all alone, but you look at a guitarist, and you find yourself needing a bass or drum accompaniment.
Well, if you're the kind who sometimes feel that way, or, if you like guitar and music, but don't have a singing voice, then Fingerpicking's your answer. If you haven't heard of fingerpicking style, then I'm sure you've heard of SungHa Jung, that young asian boy who got you clicking for more on YouTube. Its just simply playing the bass notes and the lead (melody) on the same instrument at the same time.
The main pioneer of the Fingerpicking style was Chet Atkins. He simply an amazing guitarist and one of the best in my books. Just shortly after Chet came on the scene, we have Jerry Reed who was at that time, the other person who could hold a candle to Chet. Both of them inspired countless guitarist. One of the leading fingerpicking players right now is Tommy Emmanuel from Australia.
Fingerpicking style has caught on to the current times and there are so many current songs that are being arranged to fingerpicking style. There are even Christian songs in fingerpicking style now. Learning these songs in this style will greatly increase your knowledge of your instrument, and yeah, be able to play and entertain all by yourself with no band or whatsoever required.
So buy yourself a thumb-pick and start picking away!